The generating station suitable to operate as peak load plant is

Electrical Engineering XYZ MCQs

The generating station suitable to operate as peak load plant is:

  1. Thermal power station
  2. Pumped storage
  3. Nuclear power station
  4. Power station

Correct answer: 2. Pumped storage

Explanation: Pumped storage hydroelectric plants are well-suited for peak load operation. These plants have the ability to store energy by pumping water from a lower reservoir to a higher reservoir during off-peak hours when electricity demand is low. Then, during peak demand periods, the stored water is released to generate electricity by flowing back down through turbines, thus providing the needed extra power. Pumped storage facilities can start generating electricity quickly, making them ideal for meeting sudden surges in demand during peak hours. They offer rapid response times and can be highly efficient for managing peak loads in the power grid. Therefore, pumped storage is the most suitable option for peak load operation among the choices provided.

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