A system of constant voltage and constant frequency is termed as which type of system

Electrical Engineering XYZ MCQs

A system of constant voltage and constant frequency is termed as which type of system:

  1. Infinite
  2. Zero
  3. Feedback
  4. None of the above

Correct answer: 1. Infinite


In power systems engineering, particularly in the context of electrical grids, an “infinite bus” or “infinite bus bar system” refers to a hypothetical concept where a portion of the electrical grid is considered to have infinite capacity to supply or absorb power without affecting the voltage or frequency.

In such a system:

  • Constant voltage: The voltage at the infinite bus remains constant regardless of changes in load or generation elsewhere in the system.
  • Constant frequency: Similarly, the frequency of the AC power at the infinite bus remains constant under all operating conditions.

The term “infinite” in this context doesn’t denote an actual infinite capacity but rather signifies a system where the effects of changes in load or generation are negligible enough to be considered insignificant.

So, in the context of the this Electrical Engineering XYZ multiple-choice question, the answer is “Infinite.”

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