The essential feature for power plants to be operated as peak load plants is

Electrical Engineering XYZ MCQs

The essential feature for power plants to be operated as peak load plants is:

  1. Capability to quickly start
  2. Quick response to load variation
  3. Low capital cost
  4. All of the above

Correct answer: 4. All of the above

Explanation: Correct answer here in this Electrical Engineering XYZ MCQ is all of these.

  1. Capability to quickly start: Peak load power plants need to be able to start quickly to meet sudden increases in electricity demand during peak hours. These plants are typically brought online when demand is high and taken offline when demand decreases. Therefore, having the capability to start quickly is essential for peak load plants to efficiently meet peak demand.
  2. Quick response to load variation: Peak load plants must be able to respond rapidly to variations in electricity demand. As demand fluctuates throughout the day, these plants need to adjust their output accordingly to maintain grid stability and meet consumer needs. A quick response time ensures that the plant can ramp up or down its power generation in response to changes in demand.
  3. Low capital cost: While low capital cost is not the only essential feature for power plants to be operated as peak load plants, it can be advantageous. Peak load plants are not running continuously like base load plants; instead, they are brought online intermittently to meet peak demand. Therefore, minimizing capital costs can improve the economic viability of these plants, making them more competitive in the electricity market.

In summary, all of the provided options are essential features for power plants to be operated as peak load plants. They need the capability to start quickly, respond rapidly to load variation, and ideally have low capital costs to be economically competitive.

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