Which of the two have same dimensions

Electrical Engineering XYZ MCQs

Which of the two have same dimensions:

  1. Force and stress
  2. Force and strain
  3. Angular velocity and angular frequency
  4. None of the above

Correct answer: 3. Angular velocity and angular frequency

Here’s the explanation for each pair:

  1. Force and Stress
    • Force is defined as mass times acceleration (Newton’s Second Law), with dimensions M L T−2 where M is mass, L is length, and T is time.
    • Stress is defined as force per unit area, thus its dimensions are ML−1T−2.
    • Hence, Force and Stress do not have the same dimensions.
  2. Force and Strain
    • Strain is a dimensionless quantity as it represents the relative deformation (change in dimension divided by original dimension), hence has dimensions of 11.
    • As mentioned before, Force has dimensions MLT−2.
    • Clearly, Force and Strain do not have the same dimensions.
  3. Angular velocity and Angular frequency
    • Angular velocity describes the rate of change of angular position of a rotating object and is measured in radians per second. Its dimension is T−1.
    • Angular frequency also measures how frequently a cycle occurs, also in radians per second, specifically in the context of oscillations and waves. Its dimensions are also T−1.
    • Therefore, Angular velocity and Angular frequency share the same dimensions T−1.

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