In decimal number system what is MSD

Electrical Engineering XYZ MCQs

In decimal number system what is MSD:

  1. Middle digit
  2. Mean of all digits
  3. First digit from left to right
  4. First digit from right to left

Correct answer: 3. First digit from left to right


In the context of numbers written in decimal (base-10) notation, MSD stands for “Most Significant Digit.” This term refers to the digit in a number that has the greatest value or weight. In the case of decimal numbers, the leftmost digit (the first digit from left to right) holds the highest place value and thus represents the most significant digit. This digit determines the overall magnitude of the number.

For example:

  • In the number 786, the MSD is 7, as it is the first digit from left to right.
  • In the number 5049, the MSD is 5, again being the first digit from left to right.

The middle digit or mean of all digits are not typically referred to as MSD in the context of decimal numbers. The first digit from right to left is not significant in determining the magnitude of the number. Therefore, option C is the correct choice.

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