In binary number system the first digit (bit) from right to left is termed as

Electrical Engineering XYZ MCQs

In binary number system the first digit (bit) from right to left is termed as:

  1. First Bit
  2. LSB, Least Significant Bit
  3. Last Bit
  4. MSB, Most Significant Bit

Correct answer: 2. LSB, Least Significant Bit

Explanation: In binary number systems, a bit refers to a binary digit, which can either be a 0 or a 1. When representing numbers in binary, each digit’s position represents a power of 2, with the rightmost bit representing 2020 (1), the next bit to the left representing 2121 (2), then 2222 (4), 2323 (8), and so on, increasing by powers of 2 as you move left.

The least significant bit (LSB) is the rightmost bit in a binary number, and it holds the smallest value in the binary representation. It’s called the least significant because it contributes the least to the total value of the number. As you move left in the binary representation, each subsequent bit represents a higher power of 2 and contributes more to the total value.

Conversely, the most significant bit (MSB) is the leftmost bit in a binary number and holds the largest value in the binary representation. It’s called the most significant because it contributes the most to the total value of the number.

Therefore, in the given multiple-choice question, the term “LSB, Least Significant Bit” is the correct description of the first digit (bit) from right to left in the binary number system.

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