In a N-type semiconductor material electrons are

Electrical Engineering XYZ MCQs

In a N-type semiconductor material electrons are:

  1. High charge carriers
  2. Low charge carriers
  3. Minority charge carriers
  4. Majority charge carriers

Correct answer: 4. Majority charge carriers

Explanation: In a N-type semiconductor material, electrons are considered the majority charge carriers.

  1. N-type Semiconductor: N-type semiconductor is doped with elements like phosphorus, arsenic, or antimony, which have five valence electrons. When they are introduced into the semiconductor lattice, they create excess negative charge carriers or electrons.
  2. Majority Charge Carriers: In N-type semiconductors, the majority charge carriers are electrons. This means that the concentration of electrons is much higher compared to the concentration of holes (positive charge carriers).
  3. Minority Charge Carriers: Although the majority charge carriers in N-type semiconductors are electrons, there are still some holes present due to the absence of electrons in the valence band. However, these holes are considered minority charge carriers because their concentration is much lower compared to the concentration of electrons.

So, in summary, in a N-type semiconductor material, electrons are the majority charge carriers because of the presence of dopant atoms that introduce extra electrons into the lattice structure.

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