Impact of AC Electric Current on the Human Body

Impact of AC Electric Current on Human Body

Amount of currentEffect on body
1 mA or lessNo sensation is experienced with current less than 1 mA
More than 5 mAPainful shock is experienced
10 to 15 mAExposure to current may cause muscle contractions, which can cause some people to experience “freezing” of the electrical circuit.
15 to 30 mAExposure to electrical current may cause muscle contractions, which can cause most people to experience “freezing” of the electrical circuit.
30 to 50 mABreathing difficulties may occur, which could lead to unconsciousness, due to exposure to electrical current
50 to 100 mAExposure to electrical current can potentially result in ventricular fibrillation of the heart.
100 to 200 mAExposure to this level of electrical current has very high chance of ventricular fibrillation of the heart
More than 200 mAExposure to electrical current greater than 200 mA can result in severe burns and muscle contractions, which can lead to the heart stopping beating rather than fibrillation.
1 Amperes and HigherExposure to this level of electrical current can cause permanent damage to body tissues

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