Energy gap of semiconductor is approx

Electrical Engineering XYZ MCQs

Energy gap of semiconductor is approx:

  1. 1 eV
  2. 5 – 8 eV
  3. 8 eV
  4. 0 eV

Correct answer: 1. 1 eV


  1. Energy Gap in Semiconductors: The energy gap, also known as the band gap, in semiconductors refers to the energy difference between the highest energy filled electron state (valence band) and the lowest empty electron state (conduction band). This energy gap determines the conductivity properties of the semiconductor.
  2. Typical Energy Gap for Semiconductors: The energy gap for semiconductors typically ranges from around 0.1 eV to 3 eV. Silicon, for example, has an energy gap of about 1.1 eV. This gap is essential because it signifies the energy required for an electron to move from the valence band to the conduction band, thereby allowing electrical conduction.
  3. Options Explanation:
    • 5 – 8 eV: This range is too high for typical semiconductor materials. It is more characteristic of insulators, where the energy gap is larger, restricting the flow of electrons.
    • 8 eV: This value is also too high for most semiconductors. It’s in the range of insulators or wide-bandgap semiconductors.
    • 0 eV: This option would imply a material without any energy gap, which is not typical for a semiconductor. Semiconductors must have an energy gap to function effectively.
    • 1 eV: This option is the most reasonable because it falls within the typical range of energy gaps for semiconductor materials. It’s in line with the energy gaps of common semiconductor materials like silicon, germanium, etc.

Therefore, the correct answer is “1 eV.”

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