Electrical Engineering Degrees – EE Degress by ElectricalEngineering.XYZ

The most popular and most common Electrical Engineering degree across the globe is an Electrical Engineering degree. At the Bachelors’s level, the most popular type of degree award is either Bachelor of Electrical Engineering or Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering. Besides the Electrical Engineering degree, there are many other Electrical Engineering degree awards. i.e Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering Degree, Energy and Power Engineering.

Bachelor of Electrical Engineering Degree – Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering

It is a basic undergraduate academic degree. Depending upon course curriculum its duration ranges between three to five years. In the USA and many other countries in the world, the duration of the degree is four years. In the UK and some other countries, it takes 3 years. In some countries, the Bachelor’s degree encompasses five years. Some universities also offer an Integrated B.S./M.S. Degree Program which enables the undergraduate students to also obtain an M.S. degree while completing five years of study. The figure below displays the title of the most popular bachelor EE degree. (For illustration purposes only)


The Bachelors’s program in Electrical Engineering integrates Electrical, Electronics, and Power systems altogether. Some universities offer specialization opportunities by providing more modules in either power systems or electronics or some other field. This enables you to really focus on the area that interests you the most.

Bachelors of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Degree

The Bachelor of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Degree is closely alike Bachelors of Electrical Engineering. Such a degree usually offers the same number of electrical and electronics engineering modules. The actual number of modules/courses vary greatly and vary based on university/colleges.

Masters in Electrical Engineering Degree

The Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering is usually focused on one of these subjects: Power, Machines, Embedded systems, Satellite systems, Energy and Power, Solar systems, Communications and Signal Processing, Energy Systems, Microelectronics, Control systems, Signal Processing, Multimedia Processing, Telecommunication systems, Photonics, Embedded Systems Design, Instrumentation and Real Time Computing, Video, Image and Speech Processing, Data Networks, Nuclear Engineering, Satellite Engineering, Space Systems Engineering, Quantum Computing, Wireless Communications

Given below are the titles of some Masters in EE degrees

  • MS or ME Power Systems Engineering
  • MS or ME Signal processing
  • MS or ME Embedded systems
  • MS or ME Telecommunication

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