Electrical appliances are connected in

Electrical Engineering XYZ MCQs

Electrical appliances are connected in:

  1. Series
  2. Parallel
  3. Both of these
  4. None of these

Correct answer: 2. Parallel

Explanation: In homes and most commercial settings, electrical appliances are generally connected in parallel rather than in series for several key reasons:

  1. Independent Operation: When appliances are connected in parallel, each one can operate independently of the others. This means that turning one appliance on or off does not affect the operation of any other appliances on the same circuit. If they were connected in series, turning off one appliance would break the circuit and stop the flow of electricity to all other appliances in that series.
  2. Constant Voltage Supply: In a parallel circuit, each appliance receives the same voltage as the supply voltage. For example, in most households in the United States, the standard voltage is around 120 volts. Each appliance receives 120 volts in a parallel connection. In contrast, in a series connection, the voltage would be divided among the connected appliances, which could lead to them not functioning properly due to receiving lower than required voltage.
  3. Safety and Circuit Protection: Parallel wiring allows for safer and more reliable circuit protection mechanisms like circuit breakers and fuses. Each circuit can be individually protected without affecting other appliances. Furthermore, the failure of one appliance in a parallel circuit does not lead to the entire circuit failing, which is not the case in series connections.

Therefore, for practical, efficiency, and safety reasons, electrical appliances are connected in parallel. This allows them to function optimally and independently, with a stable supply of voltage and easier management of electrical safety.

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