Role of Magnetic Fields in Working of Electrical Machines

The magnetic field is the fundamental mechanism by the virtue of which energy is transferred and converted from one form to another. The working principle of motors, generators and transformers is based on magnetic fields. Given below is an overview of magnetic field in this regard.

  • Current Carrying Wire: A current-carrying wire creates a magnetic field in the area around it.
  • Time-changing magnetic field: The working principle of transformation is based on time changing magnetic field. A transformer works on the fact that a time-changing magnetic field induces a voltage in a coil of wire provided that it passes through that coil
  • Current carrying wire placed in a magnetic field: The working principle of motors is based on current-carrying wires placed in a magnetic field. A current-carrying wire that is placed in the magnetic field has a force induced on it.
  • Moving wire in a magnetic field: The working principle of generators is based on the concept of moving wires in magnetic fields. In the presence of magnetic field, a moving wire has a voltage induced in it.

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